I'm Amy, a self taught contemporary oil painter. Born and raised in a small town in Southern California, I grew up as a homeschooled, only child. My childhood gave me the ability to embrace my creative imagination through hands-on learning, music, art, and dance.
I spent 20 years as a ballet dancer, which is a large inspiration for my current paintings. As time went on, I moved away from the arts for a long career in women's retail and merchandising. After 2020, I chose to step away from the grind of retail life and fell back into the creative space I had been craving for so long.
My work is inspired by the many incredible women I have connected with throughout my life. I explore the similarities of women and the way we connect with one another. I play with the ideas of delicacy and strength, ethereal femininity and resilient power.
A nod to the seasons are often reflected in my work. A representation of our seasonal growth and shifts throughout the seasons of life. As women, we travel through many stages of life while still being expected to carry on in silent strength. In my figures you'll see confidence, joy, sadness, and sarcasm. An expression paused to reflect on. As if they're allowing you into their thoughts for a moment in time before returning to the expectations of the world.
The landscapes and backgrounds I often incorporate into my artwork give the figures a dreamlike place to exist in. They are usually unrealistic places, a figment of my imagination. Colorful, surreal dreamlands, subliminally connecting feminine power to nature and the seasons of the earth. An environment of colorful mountains, deep oceans, and endless skies.
I believe finished art is out of the hands of the artist and into the viewers eyes for them to interpret how they choose. While there is a story and meaning behind every piece I create, I find that true success is when the viewer is able to unfold a personal story or connection to the piece. When you take a moment to pause, I know you will see yourself or a familiarity behind the expression in my work.
​​- Aim